Combat in Hades covers the combat mechanics of the game. As Zagreus, players will have access to many different combat features, like different combat inputs improved or added by Boons, and of course, all the different attacks that Zagreus can execute with his Infernal Arms. This page aims to present a comprehensive and extensive guide for all the different combat features of the game, as well as certain tips and tricks that will help players get the hang of its combat mechanics.

Hades Combat Guide


Hades Combat Basics

Combat plays a pivotal role in Hades as 90% of the time, players will be out in the field doing runs. Hades' combat revolves around real timings, and split-second decisions, and has all of the aspects of a fast-paced ARPG. While adjusting to its demanding command, there are a lot of features to master or avenues that will help Zagreus's progression. There are quite a lot of avenues such as mastering a specific weapon and its aspects, special abilities, upgrades, and more. We aim to provide a comprehensive guide about Hades's combat and hopefully cover the said avenues so you will be able to adjust in no time and enjoy Hades.

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Basic & Essential Maneuvers

Start off with the most basic tips that will get you going. These are you basic but essential maneuvers to survive enemy encounters in Hades. (Playstation Controller)

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  • Basic Attack (Square): Your primary attack combo, used most frequently.
  • Special Attack (Triangle): Varies between weapons but generally serves as an extra attack to knock foes away or keep them at a distance.
  • Cast (Circle): A limited-use ranged attack that is very useful in many situations.
  • Dash Attack: Press X to dash, then quickly press Square to perform a fast, forward attack.

Keep Zagreus Healthy

Monitoring your health is a fundamental aspect of gameplay in Hades. If your health drops to zero, Zagreus will die, and your run will reset, forcing you to start over from the beginning. To avoid this, focus on preserving your health by learning enemy attack patterns and using dodges effectively to minimize damage. Acquire and upgrade Death Defiance from the Mirror of Night in Zagreus's bedroom, giving you an extra chance when your health depletes. 

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Collect Centaur Hearts to increase your maximum health and look for healing items during your runs. Prioritize defensive boons from gods like Athena that offer benefits such as reduced damage taken or deflect abilities. Additionally, make use of fountains to heal and buy health items from Charon’s shop when needed. By consistently paying attention to your health and employing these strategies, you can extend your runs and increase your chances of successfully escaping the underworld.

Master Dash in Hades

Your dash is your primary tool for evading enemy attacks in Hades. This versatile maneuver allows you to quickly escape dangerous situations or close the distance to engage a foe. The dash provides a generous window of invincibility during its animation, making Zagreus immune to damage for a brief period. This makes it incredibly useful for dodging incoming attacks, avoiding environmental hazards, and repositioning yourself in battle. Mastering the timing and direction of your dash is crucial for survival, so use it liberally to stay alive and maintain an advantage over your enemies. By combining your dash with offensive moves, you can create opportunities to strike safely and keep the momentum in your favor.

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Take Advantage of Keepsakes

Keepsakes power up Zagreus as he tries to escape the Underworld. Most NPCs will exchange a Keepsake for Nectar. Give a character Nectar and unlock their Keepsake. Each has a unique effect to aid you in your run. Equip a Keepsake in the cabinet in the armory. Initially, you cannot swap Keepsakes during an escape attempt, but the House Contractor lets you switch Keepsakes between regions.

Get Permanent Upgrades from the Mirror of Night

The Mirror of Night in Zagreus' chambers is crucial in Hades, allowing you to make permanent character upgrades. It is a must to allocate time to mastering all of the upgrades that you can take advantage of. You collect purple gems called Darkness during runs, which you use at the Mirror of Night for these permanent boosts. Each upgrade you invest in stays with you, making you gradually more powerful and your future attempts easier. Initially, only a couple of upgrades are available, but you can unlock more with Chthonic Keys.

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Boons Are Essential in Hades

Boons in Hades are common and powerful upgrades offered by the Olympian Gods. They shape your build for each run, making it crucial to pick the right Boon at the right moment if you want to beat the game and escape the Underworld. So it is a must to check each Boon effect and use it to your advantage.

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Master your Weaponry

In Hades, there are six base weapons, known as Infernal Arms, that you can wield. To unlock most of these weapons, you will need to collect a certain number of Chthonic Keys. It is advisable to check and get a hang of each weapon as there is a high chance that you will be using all of them in your runs. Here's a quick overview of each weapon and their play styles.

infernal arms 2 hades wiki guide minStydian Blade

Stydius or the Stygian Blade is your starting weapon in Hades. This longsword offers a range of swings with medium reach, making it a well-rounded and balanced choice. It's ideal for beginners and serves as the first weapon you receive in the game.

infernal arms 4 hades wiki guide minShield of Chaos

Aegis, the Shield of Chaos, is mainly a close-range weapon with defensive abilities to block attacks. Its special ability lets you throw the shield like a boomerang, hitting enemies and then returning to you.

infernal arms 5 hades wiki guide minHeart-Seeking Bow

Heart-Seeking Bow offers ranged attacks to defeat enemies from a distance. Its primary attack uses a charging mechanic, where releasing the arrow at the right moment boosts its damage. The special ability launches multiple arrows in a spread pattern, creating an area-of-effect attack. If you prefer to attack from afar, Coronacht is the weapon to choose.

infernal arms hades wiki guide minEternal Spear

Relies on heavy thrusting attacks. Spears provide long reach and versatile attacks, including charging, spinning, and throwing, offering strategic advantages in combat. They are highly versatile and useful in many situations.

infernal arms 3 hades wiki guide minAdamant Rail

Exagryph is another ranged weapon Zagreus can wield. Unlike Coronacht, it's a full-fledged firearm with both automatic and manual firing modes. Players must manage their ammunition and reload as necessary. Its special ability shoots an exploding projectile that deals significant damage to targets.

infernal arms 6 hades wiki guide minTwin Fists

Malphon excels in close-range combat, delivering rapid punches that can quickly defeat enemies. Its fast pace can captivate many players, making it a weapon to watch out for. Malphon also has powerful special moves, like uppercuts that deal significant damage.

Pay Attention To Your DPS

Hades has five main realms: Tartarus, Asphodel, and Elysium. As you progress through each realm, enemies become much tougher, so it's crucial to increase your damage potential to keep up. There are a lot of upgrades that you can take advantage of in this game and it is a must to explore them to gain the upper hand. Or else you will be gated with powerful enemies that are much tankier since do have a low DPS overall. Take advantage of Boons, Daedalus Hammer Upgrades, Weapon Aspects, or Mirror of Night Upgrades.

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Be Cautious When Dealing With Armored Enemies

Armored enemies in Hades are a major threat. Unlike non-armored foes, you can't interrupt them until you break their armor. They have more health, stronger attacks, and appear in almost every region of the Underworld. Prioritize dealing with them in combat, especially in large numbers, as they can be devastating. When you encounter them in the field, take them out as soon as you can as they can easily overwhelm any new player out there.

Death is Part of the Game

In Hades, as a rogue-like game, not everything is permanent. During a run, you'll gather various upgrades and items, but if you die, you'll lose some of them. When you die in Hades, you lose all Charon's Obols, all Boons, all temporary character buffs, and your progress through the Underworld. However, you keep all Darkness, all Gemstones, all Chthonic Keys, all Artifacts (like Nectar and Diamonds), as well as your story progress and character affinity progress.

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