Enemies for Hades are the various hostile targets and Bosses that players will encounter throughout their progression as Zagreus. Each Location in the game will have specific environments that have different Enemies that are native to them. Each enemy can have different quirks that players need to watch out for when trying to slay them. This includes Bosses which players will need to study the move sets of to best while using the least amount of resources and parameters possible. This page will list all Enemies in the game, where they can be found, and how to defeat them.


Hades All Enemies Guide

Enemy Types in Hades

There are various enemies you will encounter throughout your journey in the Underworld, however, there is also a variant for each of these enemies, along with a Warden version as well as a Main Boss or Bosses in the final chamber in each biome. The variants for each of the enemies will have different additional traits such as gaining an extra shield, enhanced speed, or even a new attack skill.

Environmental Advantages in Hades

Each biome will have unique features in its chambers that allow you to use to your advantage in taking out a large group of enemies or to break the shields of larger enemies. Common features skills in chambers are often pushing back enemies while dealing damage to enemies, knocking back your enemies and giving you more room, exploding objects to deal larger damages to groups of enemies, and objects that will shoot out projectiles, letting you bait enemies into the path of the projectile.


Hades All Enemies by Biome

All Tartarus Enemies

Hades Tartarus Enemies

Hades Tartarus Wardens

Hades Tartarus Main Bosses

All Elysium Enemies

Hades Elysium Enemies

Hades Elysium Wardens

Hades Elysium Main Bosses


All Styx Enemies

Hades Styx Enemies

Hades Styx Wardens

Hades Styx Main Boss




Hadse All Enemies Gallery













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