Endings for Hades covers all the possible game finales that players can encounter at the end of their playthrough. This page will cover information that may only be acquired by the player through specific ways or clearing the game in certain ways. Multiple Endings usually come with a variety of different Trophy and Achievement milestones, or even different rewards. More importantly (for some players) the game's different Endings will shed light on different otherwise hidden aspects of the game's plot. This page will list down all the game's different Endings and what steps to take in order to get to them.


Hades Endings Guide

 Warning: This page contains spoilers for the ending of Hades

Modern Ending

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  1. Defeat Hades at the Temple of Styx.
  2. Speak with Persephone.


When Zagreus makes his first successful escape from the Underworld, it is the first noteworthy ending. Players must fight their way past the final boss, Hades, through Tartarus, Asphodel, Elysium, and the Temple of Styx in order to do this. Zagreus encounters and converses with his mother Persephone when he rises to the surface, but a curse sends him back to the Underworld, where he discovers his true purpose. Zagreus is bound to the underworld and cannot remain in the land of the living which is why he is sent back to the underworld.


Persephone's Return (True Ending)

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  1. Defeath the Final Boss, Hades.
  2. Escape the underworld 10 times.
  3. Speak with Persephone 10 times.


Players must make ten separate trips out of the Underworld to go to Persephone in order to get the "True" ending, which is the real one. More talks with Persephone follow each successful escape, revealing more about her past and the dynamics of the family. In addition to these escapes, players can further their understanding of the story by interacting with people in the House of Hades, especially Hades and Nyx. Following the eleventh escape, a unique scene takes place in which Persephone chooses to accompany Zagreus back to the Underworld, resulting in a touching reunion of the family and a reconciliation with Hades. Players can obtain the epilogue which is the game's narrative climax by pursuing the True ending. Players must keep playing in order to access this, strengthening their bonds with important characters by offering them nectar and ambrosia and finishing the missions and prophecies that go along with it. The game will ultimately suggest that the Epilogue is available when connections deepen and post-true ending events and dialogues advance. This brings the main tale and several character arcs to a close with a lavish feast that is hosted in the House of Hades and is attended by a large number of people.

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