Stats for Hades covers various attributes in the game that affect its different features and mechanics. Stats usually affect the character's Combat capabilities and survivability. In this game, Stats are a bit more simplified than they would be in most RPG games, due to the game's Rogue-like nature. However, various parameters still have to be managed for players to be able to master the game and fully clear it. This page aims to present all the Stats in the game, how they affect Zagreus, and how they're affected by the game's many features.


Hades All Stats Guide

The Basic of Stats in Hades

Compared to other games, Hades has a more streamlined approach when it comes to the statistics and upgrades players need to manage. Instead of overwhelming players with a plethora of attributes and enhancements, Hades focuses on a select few key stats, making the gameplay more accessible and less cumbersome. This design choice allows players to concentrate more on the action and strategy, rather than getting bogged down in complex character management.

The upgrades in Hades are also thoughtfully curated, offering meaningful improvements without the need for excessive micromanagement. This balance contributes to a more engaging and enjoyable gaming experience, where players can quickly grasp the mechanics and immerse themselves in the fast-paced, roguelike action.


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Health Stats in Hades

In Hades, Health is a critical statistic that represents the amount of damage your character, Zagreus, can sustain before dying. Managing Health effectively is crucial for progressing through the Underworld. Zagreus begins each escape attempt with a base amount of Health, which can be increased through various means during a run. Throughout your journey, you can find several items and upgrades that increase your maximum Health, such as Centaur Hearts found in chambers.\

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Additionally, certain talents from the Mirror of Night, boons from gods, and various keepsakes can provide Health regeneration or further increase your maximum Health. These upgrades and healing methods are essential for sustaining Zagreus in the challenging environment of the Underworld, making effective Health management a key component of the game's strategy.

Damage Numbers or Stats in Hades

In Hades, Damage is a fundamental aspect of gameplay that determines how effectively Zagreus can defeat enemies and progress through the Underworld. Understanding and optimizing Damage output is essential for a successful escape attempt. Zagreus can deal Damage using a variety of weapons, each with unique attack patterns and potential, including basic attacks and more powerful special attacks.\

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Boons from Olympian gods significantly enhance his Damage capabilities by increasing base Damage, adding elemental effects like fire or lightning, or providing critical hit chances. For example, Ares's boons might add Doom effects that deal additional Damage after a delay, while Zeus's boons can add chain lightning to attacks. Mastering these elements and combining them strategically is key to maximizing Damage and overcoming the game's challenges.


Increasing Health in Hades


More Health Tips for Hades

Increasing your Zagreus Health is beneficial for every run. Hades is a Roguelike game so every run is different. Meaning when players die in the middle of combat, it is likely to lose progress. From this idea, we can see the importance of increasing your total HP as it gives you room for errors and increases your chances of survival. In this section, we will be checking all helpful features that players can take advantage of when increasing Zagreus' overall health in the game.

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centaur heart artifacts hades wiki guideCentaur Hearts in Hades

The Centaur Heart is a valuable artifact in Hades that increases Zagreus's maximum Health. When collected, it grants 25 Health, or 50 Health if obtained during an Erebus encounter or in an Elite Temple of Styx wing, significantly boosting survivability. Additionally, Aphrodite's boon, Life Affirmation, enhances the Health bonus provided by Centaur Hearts, making them even more beneficial for extending Zagreus's endurance during runs.

However, it's important to note that Life Affirmation does not affect Health rewards from Thanatos encounters. By strategically collecting Centaur Hearts and leveraging Aphrodite's boon, players can effectively manage their Health and improve their chances of successfully escaping the Underworld.

darkness artifacts hades wiki guideDarkness in Hades

Darkness, a key resource in Hades, can be upgraded by the House Contractor to provide additional benefits beyond its primary use. After this upgrade, collecting Darkness from room rewards grants Zagreus 5 Health, enhancing his survivability during escape attempts. This bonus Health from Darkness is a valuable supplement, especially in the early stages of a run, where managing and maintaining Health is crucial.

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By investing in this upgrade, players can gain a steady stream of minor Health boosts, which can accumulate to make a significant difference in longer runs. This mechanic adds a strategic layer to the game, encouraging players to prioritize Darkness rewards not just for their permanent upgrade potential but also for the immediate health benefits they provide.

well of charon hades wiki guide minWell of Charon in Hades

The Well of Charon, a temporary shop available in various chambers throughout Hades, occasionally offers items that can significantly benefit Zagreus's run. Among these items are Life Essence and Centaur Soul. Life Essence restores a portion of Zagreus's missing Health, providing a crucial boost during tough encounters. While Centaur Soul provides flat health.

Tips For Regaining Health in Hades

While traversing the perilous world of the Underworld, players will be thrown battle after battle. Thus maintaining Zagreus Health might be a challenging task for the general player base. In this section, we will be providing helpful tips and strategies on how to replenish Zagreus health as there are a lot of ways to do so.

Charon's Assistance in Hades

Maintaining Zagreus's health is one of the best practices that any player should follow when adjusting to the demanding gameplay of Hades. Many players will wonder how to restore their Health, especially during the early parts of the game. One of the best practices is Checking Charon for possible good offerings such as food that restore Zagreus Health.

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Healing Fountains in Hades

After defeating the boss of each biome in Hades with the exception of the Temple of Styx,  the subsequent chamber features a Healing Fountain that restores a significant portion of Zagreus's health. These fountains provide a crucial opportunity for players to recover from the challenging boss battles and replenish their health reserves before continuing deeper into the Underworld. 

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Chthonic Vitality Upgrade In Hades

The Chthonic Vitality upgrade from the Mirror of Night in Hades is a valuable tool for maintaining Zagreus's health throughout his escape attempts. This upgrade allows Zagreus to restore 1 Health per rank every time he enters a new chamber, up to a maximum of +3 ranks. This means that, at its maximum level, Chthonic Vitality can restore up to 3 Health every time Zagreus moves to a new area of the Underworld.

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Dark Regeneration Upgrade In Hades

Alternatively, the Dark Regeneration upgrade from the Mirror of Night in Hades offers a different approach to restoring Zagreus's health. This upgrade allows Zagreus to restore health by 30% of any Darkness he collects per rank, up to a maximum of 60% at its highest level. This means that as Zagreus collects Darkness, which is used for various upgrades and improvements, a percentage of that collected Darkness is converted into health restoration.

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Pay Attention To Boons in Hades

Boons play a pivotal role in Hade's character progression. Not only did it increase Zagreus's combat prowess significantly, but Boons can also help players manage their Health effectively. There are a handful of Boon that affect Health so keep an eye on this one. Demeter and Athena's Duo boon, Stubborn Roots, provides a slow regeneration of Health while Zagreus has no Death Defiance or Stubborn Defiance available. This boon offers a passive healing effect that can be crucial during intense battles or when health restoration options are limited.

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Daedalus Hammers Upgrades in Hades

Daedalus Hammers grant life-stealing abilities to weapons, but they typically come with penalties to maximum health. These hammers, named after the skilled craftsman of Greek mythology, Daedalus, offer powerful enhancements to weapons used in various games and stories. The life-stealing ability allows the wielder to siphon health from enemies with each successful strike, replenishing their own vitality.

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