Infernal Arms in Hades refers to all the main Weapons that the player can have Zagreus wield during his adventure. Zagreus starts the game wielding the Stygian Blade, which is the main starting weapon of the game. As players advance and obtain Cthonic Keys, players will be able to craft more Infernal Arms. These Weapons can have both persisting upgrades and upgrades that only last until the player's current run ends. On this page, players will be determining all of the information that they need to effectively wield each weapon type, know their strengths and weaknesses, or even how to unlock them.


Hades Infernal Arms (Weapons) Guide

What Are Infernal Arms in Hades?

Hades is one of the most celebrated Roguelike titles in recent years. A thrilling game that seamlessly integrates action elements with traditional role-playing features and the game excelled in these aspects and created a memorable title. Among these is an array of weapons available for use, each with its upgrades and transformations. The primary weapons, referred to as Infernal Arms, can evolve in numerous ways.

Players can enhance their arsenal through both temporary upgrades and enduring permanent buffs, achieved by unlocking various Weapon Aspects. This dynamic system, complemented by Boons and Keepsakes obtained through Nectar gifts, empowers players to craft truly personalized character builds. This page aims to provide a comprehensive guide that covers anything you need to know regarding Infernal Arms.

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Adamant Rail

Least known among the gods who stood together to depose the Titans is the Lady Hestia, reclusive goddess of the hearth, and one-time wielder of Exagryph, the Rail of Adamant; an artifact of metal and of flame so dreadful that the gods themselves abandoned it once their fell work was done.

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Eternal Spear

It must have been a sight when Lord Hades wielded Varatha the Eternal Spear versus the Titans, driving back those fiends into the depths, together with the help of his Olympian brothers and sisters.

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Heart-Seeking Bow

Coronacht, the so-called Heart-Seeker, is certainly the finest bow ever conceived, and wielded once by none other than Mistress Hera, who stood by side with Zeus, on better terms back then, as they drove back the Titans under a storm of arrows and thunder.


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Shield of Chaos

Aegis, the Shield of Chaos, predecessor to the very Aegis wielded by Lord Zeus and by Athena, his most favored daughter... the Lord of Thunder defended his brothers and sisters using that very shield when, together, they conspired to drive the Titans back into the lowest reaches of the Underworld.

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Stygian Blade

Stygius, the Blade of the Underworld, must have been among the finest weapons ever wielded, back when it was whole.

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Twin Fists

What is a weapon if not the extension of one's will to survive, to destroy? The ancient cyclopean forge-masters who created the Infernal Arms in accordance with the Fates' design must have understood this when they delivered the singular Twin Fists of Malphon in secret to the gods.


The Basics of Infernal Arms

Hades offers substantial content for their players to explore and one of the heaviest aspects that players can sink dozens of hours is paying attention to Infernal Arms or their weapons in the game. The infernal arms are the weapons wielded by the Olympians in their victory over the Titans. Subsequently, the Olympians bound these arms to prevent their future use. These weapons are believed to be among the most formidable in existence, hence the decision to secure them away.

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With that being said, readers will already have a heads-up that they will need to collect the said weapons to take advantage of its immense power. After acquiring the said weapons, players can further customize their Internal Arms to match their play styles or define different types of builds.

Stygius The Stygian Blade in Hades

Let's have a quick rundown of all the weapons in the game. First is the Stygian Blade serves as your initial weapon upon beginning the game. This Longsword offers a range of swings, providing a medium reach. Consider it as the well-rounded, balanced weapon choice in Hades, fittingly the first item bestowed upon the player or perhaps perfect for beginners.

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Coronacht, the Heart-Seeking Bow in Hades

This weapon is for all ranged lovers out there, Coronacht provides ranged attacks capable of dispatching formidable foes from a distance. So if you want to blast off targets from a distance, you know what weapon to pick. Its primary attack employs a charging mechanic, releasing the arrow with precise timing amplifies its damage output. The special ability unleashes an area-of-effect attack, launching multiple arrows in a spread pattern simultaneously.

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Aegis, the Shield of Chaos

A rather unique weapon and has a unique play style. The Shield of Chaos functions primarily as a close-range weapon with defensive capabilities for blocking incoming attacks. However, its special ability allows you to throw the said shield and hit enemies like a boomerang. Upon hitting targets, the shield goes back to the user.

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How To Get Chthonic Keys in Hades

Chthonic Keys are among the Artifact currencies found in the Underworld. They enable Zagreus to unlock extra upgrade options at the Mirror of Night and additional Infernal Arms. You can obtain Chthonic Keys as rewards for clearing rooms. From completing tasks in the Fated List of Minor Prophecies, buying from Charon, getting it from the Wretched Broker, or through Fishing.

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What Are Daedalus Hammers in Hades?

In the game, players can customize their weapon's attributes, and the Daedalus Hammer is one way to do this. It's an Artifact that improves your weapon's attacks. You can find it in the first room of a run, as a reward for clearing a room, or buy it from Charon. The upgrades from the Hammer vary depending on the weapon, from minor adjustments to major changes in how the weapon functions. Each upgrade enhances either the Attack or Special abilities of the weapon.

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Weapon Aspects In Hades

Every Infernal Arm offers four interchangeable forms known as Aspects, which you can switch at the start of each run. However, like the weapons themselves, unlocking these Aspects requires Titan Blood, a rare resource obtained solely by defeating bosses during your runs. Each Aspect grants a unique bonus to a specific aspect of the weapon's moveset, potentially even reshaping the entire moveset. Once unlocked, each Aspect can be upgraded up to level 5 by investing more Titan Blood. Additional information on each weapon's Aspects is provided below. 

To improve a weapon's Aspects, start by equipping the desired weapon in Skelly's room, where the training dummy is located. Take the weapon from its pedestal, then interact with the pedestal to begin the upgrade process, ensuring you have enough Titan Blood. Keep in mind that some enhancements may demand multiple Titan Blood each due to their increased costs.

Varatha, the Eternal Spear

Of course, what would be any game without spears? Players would love to take advantage of its long reach and wild thrusting capabilities. Long-range attacks prove highly advantageous in maintaining distance from enemies. You have the option to charge attacks, unleash a spin attack that will hit surrounding enemies, and employ your special ability to throw the spear in a manner akin to the Shield's technique. A very versatile weapon.

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Malphon, the Twin Fists

Malphon specializes in melee range and is capable of dealing with extremely speedy punches that can pummle enemies to submission. Its thrilling pace can hook a lot of players out there so keep an eye out on this one. Equipped with distinctive special moves such as special uppercuts that deal great damage.

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Exagryph, the Adamant Rail

Exagryph is another ranged weapon in Zagreus' repertoire. Compared to the Coronacht this weapon is a full-pledge firearm that offers both automatic and manual firing modes. Like any firearm, players need to monitor their ammunition and reload when needed. The special ability of the Adamant Rail essentially shoots an exploding projectile which can deal tons of damage to targets.

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How to Unlock Infernal Arms in Hades

The weapons in Hades, referred to as Infernal Arms, are stored in the Courtyard, the last chamber of the House of Hades before embarking on your next attempt. Initially, only one weapon, the Stygius sword, is available. To gain access to the other five weapons, you must utilize the Chthonic Keys acquired during your journeys. Each weapon demands a specific number of these keys for unlocking.

Every weapon boasts distinct characteristics, featuring individualized fire or strike capabilities, a dash-strike, a special move, and a cast. This means that when theory-crafting builds, weapons play a huge role. While journeying through the underworld, temporary enhancements can be acquired during each run to tailor your weapon for increased effectiveness. Additionally, permanent upgrades can be obtained using a scarce resource known as Titan Blood. Here are the requirements for each weapon.

Infernal Arm Play Style Chthonic Keys
Stygius, The Stygian Blade Stygius is a versatile Longsword with medium reach and can pull off wide arching slashes and violent thrusts, ideal for beginners in Hades. Starting Weapon
Coronacht, the Heart-Seeking Bow Coronacht is perfect for ranged enthusiasts, offering powerful attacks to eliminate distant foes. Its charged primary attack boosts damage, while the special launches multiple arrows in a spread pattern. 3 Chthonic Keys
Aegis, the Shield of Chaos The Shield of Chaos has a distinctive play style, functioning as a close-range weapon with defensive capabilities. Its special move lets you throw the shield like a boomerang, hitting enemies before returning to you. 3 Chthonic Keys
Varatha, the Eternal Spear Spears offer long reach and versatile attacks, including charging, spinning, and throwing for strategic advantages in combat. Can be highly versatile and useful in many situations. 4 Chthonic Keys
Malphon, the Twin Fists Malphon delivers rapid punches in close combat, hooking players with its thrilling pace and powerful special moves like devastating uppercuts. 8 Chthonic Keys
Exagryph, the Adamant Rail Exagryph is another ranged weapon, that functions like a firearm with automatic and manual firing. Its special ability shoots explosive projectiles for high damage. 8 Chthonic Keys

What are Boons in Hades

Boons are god-given upgrades aiding Zagreus in escaping the underworld. You earn them by clearing rooms with the god's symbol or buying them for 150 Obols at Charon's shop. Boons vanish upon Zagreus's death and return to the House of Hades. Although you can't control the boons that you will be getting, it is a must to take advantage of its added effects.

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How To Get Titan Blood In Hades

Titan Blood is a rare resource in Hades. You earn Titan Blood by defeating tough enemies in the Underworld, and then you can use it to upgrade your weapons. One of the easiest ways to get Titan Blood is by defeating bosses at the end of each level of the Underworld. After your first victory against the final boss, you unlock the Pact of Punishment, allowing you to increase the game's difficulty with the Heat Gauge. Raising the Heat Gauge unlocks new rewards for completing levels, including Titan Blood.

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