New Player Help for Hades covers valuable and helpful information for new Hades players. Fans of the previous game can find refreshers for returning aspects of the game, especially as Rogue-like isometric games can prove difficult to even the most hardened veteran players. This sequel game has multiple returning mechanics along with its masterful art style.  This beautifully crafted game is not only being praised due to its outstanding visuals but also because of its engaging gameplay. Its staple rouge-like elements immersed most of its players however, some find it confusing. In this guide, we will be covering all the things that you need to know as a beginner. 

Hades 2 New Player Help Guide


Things to Expect in Hades

Hades is one of the most celebrated rogue-like titles in the past years and many individuals are being drawn into this game regularly to have a taste of it. However, Hades is not only a gorgeous game but also filled with a lot of intricate features that might confuse a lot of new players. Hades is where you'll embark on an epic journey through the Greek underworld. As a beginner, navigating this realm might seem daunting at first, but this guide will provide you with all the essential tips and tricks to help you conquer the challenges that lie ahead.

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The Basics

Starting with the basics first the topics on this page will help players to progress efficiently in the Underworld by providing helpful tips ranging from the simple and yet important ones to important practices. Players will be learning the things that they will be prioritizing in the long run like what items to gather or pay attention to, what upgrades to get, how to navigate the Underworld in your runs, roles of NPCs, knowing the key features, and more.

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Be Mindful of Your HP Bar

Like in any other game, paying attention to your health is one of the basic aspects that you need to practice. Especially when you die, your runs will be reset. There are a lot of ways to preserve your health. In Hades, players can access a highly advantageous ability known as Death Defiance, crucial for Zagreus's survival. 

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This talent can rescue him from the brink of death. To obtain Death Defiance, players need to acquire Darkness in the House of Hades. They must then navigate to Zagreus's bedroom and interact with the Mirror of Night to purchase this invaluable skill.

Gather Chthonic Keys To Unlock More Weapons

During your runs, players are offered a preview of the rewards awaiting them in the next room, displayed on the exit door. These rewards range from Boons, which enhance the current run, to resources like Darkness and Keys, essential for upgrading Zagreus for subsequent journeys into the Underworld. For beginners, prioritizing Chthonic Keys is advisable due to their distinctive appearance resembling actual keys. 

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Keys provides a lot of advantages such as unlocking new weapons back at the House of Hades and unlock additional skills at the Mirror of Night. You cannot miss these Keys as they are distinct. With numerous attempts ahead, it's prudent to keep an eye on the future and secure Keys early on. Focusing on acquiring all the weapons in Hades initially adds a layer of excitement to each subsequent run, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

Unlocking Weapons In Hades

In Hades, you'll find weapons called Infernal Arms stored in the Courtyard, the last area before starting a new attempt. At first, you only have the Stygius sword. To unlock the other five weapons, you need Chthonic Keys collected during your journeys. Each weapon needs a specific number of these keys. Each weapon has unique abilities like special moves and strikes.

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This makes choosing weapons important for your strategy. As you explore the underworld, you can find temporary upgrades during runs to boost your weapon. You can also permanently upgrade them with Titan Blood, a rare resource. Here's what you need for each weapon.

Take Advantage of Boon in Hades

Boons are upgrades from the gods that help Zagreus escape the underworld. You get them by clearing rooms with the god's symbol or buying them for 150 Obols at Charon's shop. Boons disappear when Zagreus dies and go back to the House of Hades. While you can't choose which boons you'll get, make sure to use their extra abilities. Most of the time, they are beneficial and will help you in some way during your runs.

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Hades, A God-like Rogue-like

Hades is a rogue-like dungeon crawler that boasts god-like gameplay, blending the finest features from Supergiant's highly praised titles. It seamlessly merges the rapid action of "Bastion," the immersive ambiance and complexity of "Transistor," and the narrative depth found in "Pyre." With that being said, expect that 80% of the elements or happenings during your runs will be randomized. 

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Each run is different and players are required to do multiple runs to get the most out of the game. Have this mindset and you will quickly adjust to the game's environment. If you love ever-changing content, this game is for you. Exploring the world of Underworld not knowing what you will find can be treated in most cases.

Master Each Weapon's Playstyle

Hades offers plenty of content for players to dive into, and one major focus is on the game's weapons, called Infernal Arms. These weapons were once wielded by the Olympians in their battle against the Titans. They're incredibly powerful, so the Olympians sealed them away to prevent misuse. Players need to collect these weapons to harness their immense power. Once acquired, they can customize their Infernal Arms to suit their playstyle or create different builds.

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Be Versatile With Your Weapons

Now this tip may upset many players out there as we will be advising them to use different types of weapons before doing runs. Personally, I prefer mastering one weapon type however, before embarking on each run in Hades, one weapon in the armory will be outlined in purple. Using this weapon during the run will grant you bonus Darkness.

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Skelly does mention this at some point, but it's easy to overlook. Make sure to grab and use this purple-outlined weapon every time you start a run. It provides a significant boost to your currency and offers an excellent opportunity to experiment with Hades' unique Boons and weapons early on.

Manage Your Nectar Wisely

Nectar, another valuable item found within the underworld, serves as a special gift for the various non-playable characters in Hades. By offering Nectar to characters such as Nyx or Cerberus, players can enhance their relationships with them. Initially, it's advisable to distribute Nectar among different characters to establish connections broadly. Upon presenting Nectar to a character for the first time, they reciprocate by granting players a Keepsake. These tokens of appreciation hold significant gameplay implications, offering bonuses like increased gold, health, or damage under specific conditions.

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To maximize benefits, maintain versatility in your approach. Gift Nectar to each character at least once before considering multiple gifts to the same character. This strategy ensures players unlock a diverse array of Keepsakes, enriching their gameplay experience. It's wise to reserve at least one Nectar until you've collected all the Keepsakes available in Hades.

Interact With All The NPCs available

Upon returning to the House of Hades, you'll encounter numerous NPCs, some of whom have exclamation marks hovering over their heads. These marks indicate that they have something new to share or offer. Before venturing back into the depths of hell, take the time to engage in conversation with your companions. 

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These interactions can yield valuable insights, and items, or even unlock new opportunities, ultimately making a significant difference in your journey. You will never know what can each NPCs offer such valuable information that provide leads and such.

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