NPCs for Hades are non-playable characters in the game that players will interact with as ZagreusNPCs in the game are comprised of different names in Greek mythology, both major and minor. Some NPCs are in charge of certain features in the game that will help the player. NPCs may also give players Keepsakes which grant certain bonuses when equipped. However, certain actions must be taken for NPCs to grant these to players. Some NPCs in the game can be bonded with by giving them certain items. As a Rogue-like game, players will also get hints and world-building immersion through the precious moments of dialogue they have with NPCs. This page lists all the NPCs in the game, where they can be found, and what special interactions or features players can have with them.


Hades All NPCs Guide

Hades All Chthonic Gods

hades npc hades wiki guide
Hades (NPC)

God of the Dead, Prisoner of Time

The King of the Underworld, and father of Zagreus. He oversees the realm of the dead and ensures that no souls escape.

nyx npc hades wiki guide

Night Incarnate

The Primordial Goddess of the Night, she serves as a guiding and nurturing figure within the House of Hades.

charon npc hades wiki guide
Charon (NPC)

Stygian Boatman

The silent and enigmatic ferryman of the Underworld, he runs a shop offering various items to aid Zagreus on his quest to escape from the Underworld.

chaos npc hades wiki guide

Primordial Originator

The primordial entity and source of all creation, Chaos offers powerful but risky Boons to Zagreus from their domain deep within the Underworld.


megaera npc hades wiki guide
Megaera (NPC)

First of the Furies

The eldest of the three Furies, Megaera is tasked with punishing the wicked and is enlisted by Hades to prevent Zagreus from escaping the Underworld. 

tisiphone npc hades wiki guide
Tisiphone (NPC)

Tormentor of Murder

The middle child among the Furies, Tisiphone is responsible for punishing murderers and acts as a relentless force that is tasked with stopping Zagreus from escaping the Underworld.

alecto npc hades wiki guide
Alecto (NPC)

Tormentor of Passions

The youngest among the Furies, Alecto is a fierce and vengeful enforcer who is responsible for punishing those whose uncontrollable passions lead them to commit heinous acts.

thanatos npc hades wiki guide

Death Incarnate

The personification of death, Thanatos is a stern yet caring figure who challenges Zagreus in the Underworld while harboring a deep bond with him. He is responsible for guiding the departed souls to their final resting place.


hypnos npc hades wiki guide

Sleep Incarnate

The personification of sleep, Hypnos is laid-back and is often inattentive. He is responsible for greeting the dead as they arrive in the Underworld.





Hades All Olympian Gods

zeus npc hades wiki guide

King of the Olympians

The King of the Olympian gods, Zeus wields the power of thunder and lightning. He's also Hades' younger brother and uncle of Zagreus.

poseidon npc hades wiki guide

God of the Sea

The God of the Sea, also known as the "Earthshaker". Poseidon rules over the oceans and a brother to Zeus and Hades. He offers aid and formidable challenges to Zagreus during his escape attempts from the Underworld.

athena npc hades wiki guide

Goddess of Wisdom

The wise and strategic goddess of wisdom and warfare, Athena brings her shrewd counsel and protective blessings to aid Zagreus in his journey as he tries to escape the Underworld.

artemis npc hades wiki guide

Goddess of the Hunt

The untamed goddess of the hunt and wilderness, Artemis offers Zagreus her keen eye and swift arrows to aid him in his quest to escape the depths of the Underworld.


aphrodite npc hades wiki guide

Goddess of Love

The captivating goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite bestows her irresistible charms and passionate affections upon Zagreus to enhance his abilities and aid him during his escape attempts from the Underworld.

ares npc hades wiki guide

God of War

The formidable god of war, Ares, revels in the chaos and destruction of battle. He empowers Zagreus with his ruthless and destructive prowess by granting him boons to aid him during his quest to escape the Underworld.

dionysus npc hades wiki guide

God of Wine

The Olympian god of wine and revelry, Dionysus brings a boisterous energy to the Underworld, offering Zagreus intoxicating Boons and a carefree spirit amidst the shadows.

hermes npc hades wiki guide

God of Swiftness

The messenger of the gods, Hermes, exudes an energetic and frenzied persona, eagerly guiding souls through the Underworld alongside Charon. He offers Zagreus assistance and guidance through Boons. 


demeter npc hades wiki guide

Goddess of Seasons

The goddess of seasons, Demeter manifests as a figure of both resilience and sorrow in the Underworld. She offers Zagreus Boons that harness the power of winter and harvest.





Hades All Other NPCs

achilles npc hades wiki guide

Forgotten Hero

The legendary hero of the Trojan War, Achilles appears as a noble and wise mentor, offering Zagreus guidance in battle and trains him in military discipline. He is driven by a sense of duty and redemption in the afterlife.

patroclus npc hades wiki guide

Fallen Warrior

Once a formidable warrior in the Achaean army during the Trojan War, Patroclus fought alongside Achilles but now resides in Elysium after death. He offers Zagreus items to help him during his quest to escape the Underworld.

theseus npc hades wiki guide

Hero of Athens

The former hero and king of Athens, Theseus now serves as the champion and king of Elysium, standing as a formidable opponent alongside Asterius. He often boasts about his past victories and embodies both pride and stubbornness in his demeanor.

asterius npc hades wiki guide

Bull of Minos

Asterius is also known as the Minotaur, he is a formidable demi-human warrior of Elysium. Asterius is characterized by his imposing presence, fierce combat prowess, and surprising depth of personality. He greatly contrasts his fearsome appearance.


dusa npc hades wiki guide

Duty-Bound Gorgon

Dusa is a floating disembodied Gorgon's head, she serves as a maid within the House of Hades and exudes optimism, hard work, and a shy personality. She has her playful demeanor despite her perpetual toil and social anxiety.

skelly npc hades wiki guide

Training Dummy

Skelly serves as a training dummy within the House of Hades. He displays loyalty, courage, and a tendency towards extreme behavior, often engaging in playful banter with Zagreus.

eurydice npc hades wiki guide

Carefree Muse

A deceased oak nymph and former wife of Orpheus, Eurydice now resides in a secluded corner of Asphodel, where she displays optimism, resilience, and adaptability despite her tragic circumstances. She finds solace in singing and cooking.

orpheus npc hades wiki guide

Court Musician

The legendary musician, Orpheus, now dwells in the House of Hades as a court musician. He was once a vibrant spirit but it was overshadowed by profound grief and loss after the death of her wife, Eurydice. Now, his melodies expresses his personal lamentation.


sisyphus npc hades wiki guide

Tortured Soul

Sisyphus was once a former king, but is now condemned to an eternity of futile labor and resides in the Underworld. He offers Zagreus valuable insights and assistance whenever they encounter each other, despite his perpetual punishment. He finds solace in his friendship with his boulder companion, "Bouldy".

bouldy npc hades wiki guide

Bouldy is the boulder that Sisyphus constantly carries uphill as his punishment. After some time, Sisyphus holds Bouldy dear and serves as his confidante and companion amidst Sisyphus' ceaseless toil.

cerberus npc hades wiki guide

Hound of Hell

Cerberus is a fearsome three-headed dog that guards the Underworld. He is Hades' faithful companion, but can easily be persuaded by simple treats. He is a gentle, playful, and loyal pet to Zagreus and beloved by everyone who dwells in the Underworld.

persephone npc hades wiki guide

Goddess of Verdure, Queen of the Underworld

Persephone is the goddess of harvest and wife of Hades. She radiates kindness and resilience, displaying a loving nature and great courage. She has left the Underworld to reside in the splendor of Mount Olympus forever.


Hades All Special Merchants and NPCs

wretched broker npc hades wiki guide
Wretched Broker

A shade who facilitates trades for various resources collected by Zagreus throughout his escape attempts. The Wretched Broker is stationed within the House of Hades.

house contractor npc hades wiki guide
House Contractor

A shade employed by Hades to restore and renovate the Underworld.

head chef npc hades wiki guide
Head Chef

A shade employed by Hades to prepare meals for the denizens that dwells within the Underworld.

resource director npc hades wiki guide
Resource Director

A shade employed by Hades to allocate ranks to Zagreus based on the resources he obtained during his escape attempts.


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