Asterius and Theseus

Bull of Minos and Hero of Athens

asterius and theseus boss hades wiki guide
Location Elysium
Drops Ambrosia

Asterius and Theseus are Bosses in Hades. These two in Greek Mythology, were great rivals. Theseus was responsible for slaying Asterius when they were still alive. Here in the underworld, they are buddies and are both hired by Hades to prevent Zagreus from escaping.


Hades Boss Information

  • Optional Boss: No
  • Weak Against: Speed (Asterius), Melee Attacks (Theseus)
  • Strong Against: Melee Attacks (Asterius), Ranged Attacks (Theseus)
  • Resistant to: None
  • Immune to: None


Where to Find Asterius and Theseus Boss in Hades

Asterius and Theseus can be encountered in Elysium right before proceeding to the final level which is the Temple of Styx.


Asterius and Theseus Boss Rewards in Hades


Hades Asterius and Theseus Boss Guide

Asterius and Theseus Fight Strategy

This is one of the most difficult boss fights that you can encounter due to it being a 2-1 situation. Asterius will be the melee character of the duo while Theseus will stay back the majority of the time to throw his spear at you. The best way to approach this is to take out the muscle first which is Asterius. You'll have to have an extra eye on Theseus since majority of the time, he'll be throwing his spear at you. When fighting Asterius, the walls and pillars are your best friends here. When he does a charge, he'll usually pause for a moment, giving you ample time to position yourself. Position yourself behind a wall or pillar then dodge when Asterius charges. When he hits one of these, this will stun him and will give you ample time to damage him. At times that you're stunned and near Theseus, you can also give him some damage since all he does is spin toward you when you get near. Just keep repeating this process until One of them falls.

Do take note that if Asterius reaches low health and crashes on a wall or pillar, a wave that can damage you emerges from his back. Theseus on the other hand in low health may summon an Olympian God to aid him. He will only summon Gods that have not given you any Boons. Do take note that Theseus never summons Hermes.


Asterius and Theseus Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Combo Attack (Asterius) Asterius will swing his axe straight towards you and in a circular motion. After the second swing, he jumps and does another combo. Back up or move as far away from him as possible.
Aerial Combo (Asterius) Asterius jumps and lunges towards Zagreus smashing his axe in that position 3 times. Dash in the opposite direction.
Bull Charge (Asterius) Asterius will pause and charge towards Zagreus. If he misses and hits a wall, he gets stunned briefly. He also takes damage when he hits pillars and goes through them. Hug the walls so that he can hit those instead and gets stunned.
Spinning Attack (Theseus) When Zagreus is near, Zagreus will spin and charge towards him. Dodge to the left or right until, he stops spinning.
Ranged Spear Throw (Theseus) While Zagreus is busy fighting Asterius, Theseus will take advantage of this and throw his spears towards you. The best way to counter this is to hide behind pillars since his spear throws are quick. If you have a sharp eye though, there's a chance that you can dodge it.
Asterius throws Theseus Asterius will summon Theseus and throw Theseus towards Zagreus with his spear. With a sharp eye, dodge left or right. You can also take out Asterius quickly so that they cant use this ability.
Duo Attack Theseus requests Asterius to charge towards his shield which causes a shockwave to summon. Upon seeing what's about to happen, back up as far as you can.

Asterius and Theseus Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

  • Voice Actor: Logan Cunningham (Asterius) and Cyrus Nemati (Theseus)
  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here



  • Come, blackguard! And be crushed beneath the raging wheelwork of the Macedonian Tau-Lambda, once again! -Theseus
  • We're well-equipped to deal with you, short one. Though I know better than to disregard your might. -Asterius
During Fight:
  • A solid hit. -Theseus
  • I'll Crush you. -Asterius
After Fight:
  • Nrraauuugghh! -Theseus
  • Urrh. unnghhh. -Asterius



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