Barge of Death

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Location Asphodel

Barge of Death is an Enemy in Hades. Barge of Death is a room that is a narrow boat that is actively moving, with spike jars in the room. You will encounter waves of various enemies in this room.




Hades Barge of Death Guide

  • Barge of Death will have some spiked jars and will have waves of smaller enemies that you will need to take out. Lure the enemies to the spiked jars so you can deal bigger damages to them.


Hades Barge of Death Locations

Where to Find Barge of Death:

  • Can be found in the Warden Chamber in Asphodel.


Barge of Death Notes & Tips

  • Notes, tips, and trivia for Barge of Death go here.



All Hades Enemies
Bloodless  ♦  Bone-Raker  ♦  Bother  ♦  Brightsword  ♦  Brimstone  ♦  Burn Flinger  ♦  Crawler  ♦  Doomstone  ♦  Dracon  ♦  Flame Wheel  ♦  Gigantic Vermin  ♦  Gorgon  ♦  Greatshield  ♦  Inferno Bomber  ♦  King Vermin  ♦  Longspear  ♦  Megagorgon  ♦  Nemean Chariot  ♦  Numbskulls  ♦  Satyr Cultist  ♦  Skull Crusher  ♦  Skullomats  ♦  Slam Dancer  ♦  Snakestone  ♦  Soul Catcher  ♦  Splitter  ♦  Spreader  ♦  Strongbow  ♦  Voidstone  ♦  Wave Maker  ♦  Wretched Louts  ♦  Wretched Pest  ♦  Wretched Sneak  ♦  Wretched Thugs  ♦  Wretched Witches  ♦  Wringer

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