Skull Crusher

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Location Asphodel

Skull Crusher is an Enemy in Hades. Skull Crusher have the appearance of a skull with a large lower jaw and a single horn. They can be found in chambers within Asphodel.


 ...In the great and ancient war that raged between the Titans and Olympians, the brutish Cyclopes stood with the former side, and dearly paid for it. Their kind has all but disappeared from earth, though remnants still remain beneath it.


Hades Skull Crusher Guide

  • Skull Crushers will charge up, and raise themselves into the air then attempt to stomp on you. After they stomp on the ground, you can quickly deal damage to them.
  • Dire variants move faster into the air. You will need to properly time your dodge to get out of the way of the attack then attack it after it has landed.


Hades Skull Crusher Locations

Where to Find Skull Crusher:

  • Can be found in some chambers in Asphodel


Skull Crusher Notes & Tips

  • Notes, tips, and trivia for Skull Crusher go here.



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