
asterius npc hades wiki guide
Title Bull of Minos
Faction N/A
Voice Actor Logan Cunningham

Asterius is an NPC in HadesAsterius is also known as the Minotaur. He is a bull-headed demi-human enlisted by Hades to prevent Zagreus from escaping the Underworld. During his life, Asterius was imprisoned in a labyrinth by his stepfather, King Minos, and was eventually killed by Theseus. In the afterlife, the two have become comrades.


Life isn't particularly fair, short one. Nor death. I'd have expected you to know as much. But here, have your fair fight.


Where to Find Asterius in Hades

Asterius can appear as a potential mid-boss in Elysium and consistently serves as the final boss of Elysium fighting alongside Theseus in the Elysium Stadium.


About Asterius in Hades

Asterius was once feared throughout Greece, he was forced into the labyrinth against his will. Contrary to his fearsome reputation, Asterius is actually chivalrous and intelligent. Despite his intimidating appearance, Asterius differs greatly from his comrade, Theseus. He is sensible, understands Theseus well, and prevents him from acting inappropriately. Asterius remains calm, modest, rational, and emotionally balanced, accepting defeat gracefully and not taking fights personally as Theseus does. As Zagreus repeatedly invades Elysium, he manages to make Asterius laugh with a joke, revealing Asterius's reasonable side. Their battles become more competitive but remain cordial and respectful. Although Zagreus invites Asterius for a drink, he politely declines due to his work commitments.


Hades Asterius Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



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