
theseus npc hades wiki guide
Title Hero of Athens
Faction N/A
Voice Actor Cyrus Nemati

Theseus is an NPC in HadesTheseus is a former hero and king of Athens renowned for defeating the Minotaur. He was enlisted by Hades to help prevent Zagreus' escape. He battles alongside Asterius as the final boss of Elysium, where he also serves as its champion and king.


Silence, you monster!! I'll hear no more such wicked lies, half-truths, or quarter-truths! You, however, soon shall hear my blessed spear! Specifically, the sound it makes whilst sliding into your exposed midsection! Defend yourself!


Where to Find Theseus in Hades

Theseus can be found guarding the Elysium to prevent Zagreus from escaping the Underworld.


About Theseus in Hades

Theseus proclaims himself "the great king of Athens". He is considered to be a hot-headed, stubborn, and even childish ex-hero, best known for his notable youthful exploits that earned him an immortal soul. He is also pompous and arrogant, constantly proud and confident in his victories. Most residents outside of Elysium find him insufferable due to his arrogance. He occasionally revels in his pride during conversations, displaying immodesty. He tends to take things to extremes and disregards evidence that doesn't fit his preconceptions, often pushing Zagreus' buttons. In Theseus' mind, Zagreus is useless and not a true warrior, despite repeatedly defeating him. Zagreus' attempts at conversation are seen as lies and deception, and Theseus refuses to accept any provocation suggesting that there are better heroes than him.


Hades Theseus Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



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