
ares npc hades wiki guide
Title God of War
Faction Olympian Gods
Voice Actor Cyrus Nemati

Ares is an NPC in HadesAres is the Olympian god of war and presides over the domain in the physical, violent, and untamed aspects of warfare. He grants Zagreus Boons that enhance his ability damage, inflict the Doom status curse, or generate Blade Rifts that swiftly deal damage to enemies who walk into them.


You've got quite the fighting spirit in you there, I have to say. Most intriguing, and yet no surprise for someone born in hell itself. You come on out of there, and tell me all about it. I'm a fellow student of death, you see.


Where to Find Ares in Hades

Ares can be encountered within the chambers in the Underworld, particularly in Tartarus. He offers Boons to Zagreus to help him progress his escape attempts.


About Ares in Hades

Ares is a lover of war and chaos, finding joy in the chaos of battle despite his outwardly composed and polite demeanor. As a fervent advocate of conflict, he willingly supports his cousin Zagreus in navigating the challenges of the Underworld, leaving behind a turbulent wake wherever Zagreus goes in his favor. Despite his willingness to aid Zagreus, Ares is not well-regarded by the other Olympian gods, who often criticize him for his backhanded compliments and his unsettling enthusiasm for polite violence. He exudes confidence, bordering on arrogance, in the superiority of his boons, frequently boasting about their potency and how they surpass those of other gods. Ares is often misunderstood by the other Olympian gods, harboring a secret admiration for the Chthonic Gods and their darker roles. Unlike his fellow Olympians, he extends more than mere cordiality to them, recognizing the significance of their work, particularly in matters of death. However, even his appreciation for death is not fully shared by the Chthonic gods, who view it as a routine aspect of their responsibilities.


All Ares Boons in Hades


Hades Ares Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



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