
athena npc hades wiki guide
Title Goddess of Wisdom
Faction Olympian Gods
Voice Actor Marin Miller

Athena is an NPC in HadesAthena is the Olympian goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare. She also grants Zagreus Boons that enable his abilities to deflect enemy attacks. Additionally, her boons provide options to reduce damage or enhance other defensive capabilities.


Hail, noble Cousin. Now let's get you from that miserable place. I'll see that all of us upon Olympus do our part, beginning here with me.


Where to Find Athena in Hades

Athena can be encountered when entering rooms marked with her small owl symbol. She can also be found in some of the Trial of the Gods encounters.


About Athena in Hades

Athena is stoic, gracious, and refined. She is the first god Nyx contacts to assist Zagreus. As the goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare, Athena earnestly desires to help her cousin escape his unjust confinement with a detailed plan. Unlike the other gods, Athena is less personal when it comes to Zagreus, avoiding sharing her personal life or interests and remaining focused on aiding his escape. She is the only Olympian motivated purely by doing what is right, genuinely respecting Zagreus as a family member.


All Athena Boons in Hades


Hades Athena Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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