
zeus npc hades wiki guide
Title King of the Olympians
Faction Olympian Gods
Voice Actor Peter Canavese

Zeus is an NPC in HadesZeus is the Olympian god of sky and thunder, and the leader of the Olympian Gods. He is also Hades' younger brother and Zagreus' uncle. He grants Boons to Zagreus that imbue his abilities with chain lightning or lightning strikes.


Greetings there, young man! Look, your father's always been rather difficult, and he's not so much as called in quite some time. You'll have a better home where you belong, here on Olympus! And to help you on your journey, have my blessing.


Where to Find Zeus in Hades

Zeus himself does not physically appear in the House of Hades but communicates and offers his assistance to Zagreus through Boons. He can appear during special encounters in Trial of the Gods, or in chambers.


About Zeus in Hades

Zeus appears friendly, sociable, and fatherly, contrasting sharply with his stern brother, Hades. However, his demeanor is superficial. Unlike Hades, who is fair and well-intentioned beneath his harsh exterior, Zeus is cunning, egotistical, and has a superiority complex. He projects an image of a benevolent god, but his kindness is often self-serving. He is unconcerned with the consequences of his actions and avoids taking responsibility. He often dismisses others' input and makes light of serious matters. While he encourages Zagreus, his self-centered nature shines through as he constantly seeks praise, insisting on being recognized as the most elegant, powerful, and divine of the gods.


All Zeus Boons in Hades


Hades Zeus Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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