
demeter npc hades wiki guide
Title Goddess of Seasons
Faction Olympian Gods
Voice Actor Laila Berzins

Demeter is an NPC in HadesDemeter is the goddess of seasons, she is also the daughter of the titans Hyperion and Theia, and the sister of Hestia, Hera, Helios, Selene, and Eos. Alongside her elder and younger sisters, Hestia and Hera, Demeter aligned with Zeus in his battle against the Titans, aiding their defeat.


I understand, young Zagreus, that you would seek to leave that bitter darkness for this bitter cold? Quite honestly I fail to see why. But I'll aid your plight, why not? For I can offer plenty of assistance, and you soon shall grow fond of it, I think.


Where to Find Demeter in Hades

Demeter only appears after reaching the surface for the first time, after reaching the final boss of the game. This makes her one of the five Olympian gods who do not make an appearance in the initial run of a save until then.


About Demeter in Hades

Demeter was once known for her benevolence, diligence, strength of will, and protective nature, but she transformed after the loss of her beloved daughter, Persephone. This tragedy plunged the world into the infamous "Endless Winter," altering her appearance to reflect the chill of her heart and fostering a bitter demeanor. As a mother, she displayed kindness but also an overbearing nature, driven by fear for Persephone's safety. Due to Persephone's mortal lineage, Demeter perceived her as fragile, leading her to maintain strict control and disregard her daughter's feelings, even when Persephone attempted to confide in her about Hades. This overprotectiveness strained their relationship, resulting in a profound disconnect. In her interactions with other Olympians, Demeter exhibits disdain and unfounded blame towards mortals for Persephone's disappearance. She exudes an imperious and spiteful demeanor, reserving her admiration solely for her daughter and later Zagreus. They regard her with respect and caution, mindful of the potential consequences from the eldest of the Olympian gods.


All Demeter Boons in Hades


Hades Demeter Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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