
achilles npc hades wiki guide
Title Forgotten Hero
Faction N/A
Voice Actor Logan Cunningham

Achilles is an NPC in HadesAchilles is renowned as a demi-god hero who celebrated his valor in the Trojan War and leadership of the Myrmidons. He was granted immortality by his mother by dipping him in the Styx as a child but was left vulnerable on the heel by which Thetis held him. Mortally wounded by Paris's arrow striking this weakness, he descended to the Underworld as a Shade. There, Hades enlisted him to mentor Zagreus in warfare and discipline, permitting his lover Patroclus into Elysium as payment. Since then, Achilles has been a steadfast pillar of support and encouragement for Zagreus, despite Hades's stern demeanor. He is responsible for compiling all entries in the Codex, furnishing Zagreus with insights into the Underworld and Olympian gods.


Good to see you, lad, despite the circumstances. Remember your training out there. The pain of death is but another obstacle.


Where to Find Achilles in Hades

Achilles can be found in the House of Hades, on the left side of the House.


About Achilles in Hades

Achilles is a modest hero, and despite his legendary status as a Greek hero, he remains remarkably humble and unassuming. He doesn't feel the need to boast about his past exploits or seek attention for his deeds. Instead, he quietly fulfills his duty of guarding the west wing of the House of Hades and mentoring Zagreus. He also acts as the older male role model for Zagreus as he provides crucial support and guidance to him, embodying wisdom and nobility in his mentorship. Despite his outward demeanor, he harbors inner turmoil and guilt stemming from the atrocities he witnessed and committed during his mortal life, particularly in the Trojan War. This guilt prompts him to avoid delving too deeply into discussions about his past battles. However, his commitment to mentoring Zagreus reflects his desire to ensure that Zagreus surpasses him in every way and become a better man than he was.


Hades Achilles Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



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