Head Chef

head chef npc hades wiki guide
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Head Chef is an NPC in Hades. The Head Chef is a shade assigned by Hades to prepare meals for the denizens of the House of Hades. Continuously occupied with chopping onions, he occasionally showcases his skill by deftly slicing them into neat pieces, sometimes tossing them in the air for added flair. At times, the Head Chef takes on the role of the Featured Houseservant.


Where to Find Head Chef in Hades

The Head Chef operates in the kitchen located in the lounge area within the House of Hades.


About Head Chef in Hades

The Head Chef offers rewards in exchange for River Denizens that Zagreus captures during his escape attempts, exchanging Gemstones, Nectar, Chthonic Keys, and Darkness depending on the region and rarity of each fish. Additionally, certain fish can be traded for a Diamond, Ambrosia, or Titan Blood. Caught fish will be recorded in the Codex under the "River Denizens" section, with additional notes unlocking for each fish with each new catch.

Fish Value Rarity Biome
Hellfish 5 Gemstones Common Tartarus
Slavug 1 Chthonic Key Common Asphodel
Chlam 1 Nectar Common Elysium
Gupp 20 Gemstones Common Temple of Styx
Mati 100 Darkness Common Chaos
Trout 1 Diamond Common Greece
Knucklehead 20 Gemstones Rare Tartarus
Chrustacean 3 Chthonic Keys Rare Asphodel
Charp 2 Nectar Rare Elysium
Scuffer 40 Gemstones Rare Temple of Styx
Projelly 250 Darkness Rare Chaos
Bass 1 Ambrosia Rare Greece
Scyllascion 30 Gemstones Legendary Tartarus
Flameater 5 Chthonic Keys Legendary Asphodel
Seamare 3 Nectar Legendary Elysium
Stonewhal 150 Gemstones Legendary Temple of Styx
Voidskate 500 Darkness Legendary Chaos
Sturgeon 1 Titan Blood Legendary Greece



Hades Head Chef Notes & Trivia

  • When purchases are made for the kitchen through the Lounge tab of the House Contractor, the Head Chef showcases an emote.
  • Other notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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