
artemis npc hades wiki guide
Title Goddess of the Hunt
Faction Olympian Gods
Voice Actor Jamie Landrum

Artemis is an NPC in HadesArtemis is the Olympian goddess of the hunt. She provides Zagreus with Boons that grant his abilities a chance to inflict critical damage and enhance Cast abilities.


I heard about you. Look, I'm not like all the others on Olympus. The power of the hunt helps keep me company, so, maybe it'll help you, too.


Where to Find Artemis in Hades

Artemis can be encountered in chambers throughout the Underworld as Zagreus progresses in his escape attempt.


About Artemis in Hades

Artemis is characterized by her solitude and preference for the wilderness over the company of her fellow Olympians. Known for her mastery in hunting and archery, she often seeks solace in the forests, accompanied only by her nymphs. She tends to avoid social interactions and the complexities of familial bonds, retreating to her own secluded realm where she feels most at home. Revered as a stoic figure, she is often seen as a lone wolf, finding solace in the quiet embrace of nature. Her reserved nature may stem from her deep connection to the wilderness or her limited exposure to social settings. Maintaining a certain distance from others, she seldom reveals her emotions and rarely uses terms of endearment, addressing Zagreus simply by his name. While Zagreus may view her as a distant role model, she herself may harbor feelings of uncertainty and nervousness in his presence, unsure of how to react when he is present.


All Artemis Boons in Hades


Hades Artemis Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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