Megaera (NPC)

megaera npc hades wiki guide
Title First of the Furies
Faction Chthonic Gods
Voice Actor Avalone Penrose

Megaera (NPC) is an NPC in HadesMegaera is one of the three Furies, she is the older sister of Tisiphone and Alecto. She is responsible for punishing adulterers, oathbreakers, and thieves. Hades sends her to prevent Zagreus from escaping the Underworld.

  • For the boss guide and page of this NPC, please visit the Megaera page.


Halt, Zagreus. Not one step further. Your father sent me. All in all, I'd rather be on your bad side than his. Now you can turn back like a good little man, or I can send you home the painful way. What'll it be?


Where to Find Megaera (NPC) in Hades

Megaera can be found within the House of Hades after her first defeat. She can be seen drinking in the lounge, but only after a run in which she was defeated. If the lounge is still inaccessible, she can be found on the opposite side of Zagreus' door from where Nyx is usually found in the hallway.


About Megaera (NPC) in Hades

Megaera is known for her confidence, determination, and meticulous approach to her duties. She harbors a particular hatred for oath-breakers, relishing in their eternal torment. Despite her composed demeanor, her enjoyment of their punishment is clear. Megaera disapproves of all the attention that Zagreus causes in the Underworld and dislikes his rebellious nature. Although she doesn't wish to stop him, his persistent defiance forces her into a position she detests. Trusted by Hades, Megaera's commitment to duty is unwavering, yet she is not afraid to question orders if she has a valid reason to do so.


Hades Megaera (NPC) Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
Achilles  ♦  Alecto (NPC)  ♦  Aphrodite  ♦  Ares  ♦  Artemis  ♦  Asterius  ♦  Athena  ♦  Bouldy  ♦  Cerberus  ♦  Chaos  ♦  Charon (NPC)  ♦  Demeter  ♦  Dionysus  ♦  Dusa  ♦  Eurydice  ♦  Hades (NPC)  ♦  Head Chef  ♦  Hermes  ♦  House Contractor  ♦  Hypnos  ♦  Nyx  ♦  Orpheus  ♦  Patroclus  ♦  Persephone  ♦  Poseidon  ♦  Resource Director  ♦  Sisyphus  ♦  Skelly  ♦  Thanatos  ♦  Theseus  ♦  Tisiphone (NPC)  ♦  Wretched Broker  ♦  Zeus

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