
bouldy npc hades wiki guide
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Bouldy is an NPC in HadesBouldy serves as both Sisyphus' punishment and enduring companion. Condemned to push Bouldy up a hill endlessly as retribution for his attempt to cheat death, Sisyphus finds solace in their perpetual routine. Despite the ceaseless repetition, Bouldy has evolved into more than just an instrument of torment, becoming a trusted confidante for Sisyphus over time.




Where to Find Bouldy in Hades

Bouldy does not appear as a separate entity that can be interacted independently, instead, you'll find him always alongside Sisyphus whenever you encounter him in Tartarus.


About Bouldy in Hades

Bouldy plays a significant role as the constant companion of Sisyphus, the former king who is eternally condemned to push a boulder uphill only to watch it roll back down, repeating the task for eternity. Bouldy is not considered a separate character in the game but rather symbolizes Sisyphus' perpetual struggle and serves as a visual representation of his punishment. Despite being an inanimate object, Bouldy holds emotional significance for Sisyphus, who has developed a bond with the boulder over countless cycles of trying to push and roll the boulder uphill.


Hades Bouldy Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



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