
dusa npc hades wiki guide
Title Duty-Bound Gorgon
Faction N/A
Voice Actor Courtney Vineys

Dusa is an NPC in HadesDusa is a shade that appears as a floating, disembodied Gorgon's head. She serves as a maid in the House of Hades under Nyx, tirelessly floating around and cleaning. Over time, she is promoted to the position of Head Custodian of the House.


Oh, um, so, hi Prince! So, is there anything I can get you, or maybe tidy up some more, or... I just thought maybe you'd like something to drink? Sometime?


Where to Find Dusa in Hades

Dusa can typically be found in the House of Hades, floating around the main hall and often near the lounge area performing her cleaning duties.


About Dusa in Hades

Dusa is the severed head of a Gorgon who serves as a diligent maid in the House of Hades. She is optimistic, cheerful, and exceptionally hardworking, often handling her duties alone. Despite her workload, Dusa remains friendly, shy, and playful, enjoying gossip during her rare free moments. She has an obvious crush on Zagreus but struggles to express her feelings due to social anxiety and constant cleaning tasks. Dusa dislikes being pitied and resists any offers of help, preferring to manage her responsibilities independently. Her workload, especially under Nyx's supervision, keeps her on edge and wary of those she'd rather avoid.


Hades Dusa Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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