
nyx npc hades wiki guide
Title Night Incarnate
Faction Chthonic Gods
Voice Actor Jamie Landrum

Nyx is an NPC in HadesNyx is sometimes referred to as "Mother Night", she is the goddess who personifies night and resides in the House of Hades. She provides counsel, guidance, and oversees the daily tasks of the Chthonic gods and staff.


Darkness guide you, child. You have outgrown this house, of that I am now certain. Should you return again here, I shall keep you safe.


Where to Find Nyx in Hades

Nyx can be found in the House of Hades, within the main hall. She typically resides to the left of the entrance near the House Contractor.


About Nyx in Hades

Nyx shares rule over the Underworld with Hades, and is more involved in the state of the realm itself than its inhabitants. Despite the Olympians' dislike and fear of the Chthonic gods for their association with the darker side of humanity, Nyx is seen as benevolent, approachable, and maternal towards Zagreus.


Hades Nyx Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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