Tisiphone (NPC)

tisiphone npc hades wiki guide
Title Tormentor of Murder
Faction Chthonic Gods
Voice Actor Marin Miller

Tisiphone (NPC) is an NPC in HadesTisiphone is the middle sister between Megaera and Alecto among the three Furies. While she doesn't make an initial appearance within the game, she and Alecto are preoccupied with affairs in the mortal realm. Tisiphone is responsible for punishing murderers.

  • For the boss guide and page of this NPC, please visit the Tisiphone page.


Zagreuss murderrrer!


Where to Find Tisiphone (NPC) in Hades

Tisiphone can be found in Tartarus but only after Megaera has been defeated a certain number of times. Both Tisiphone and Alecto will start appearing and replace Megaera in Tartarus. However, Tisiphone will not appear in the House of Hades following her defeat.


About Tisiphone (NPC) in Hades

Tisiphone is the most emotionally and mentally unstable among the three sisters and can only utter "murder" and "murderer". Just like her siblings, she also prevents Zagreus from reaching his destiny. She is also responsible for tormenting those who committed murder in their mortal lives. Her limited speech sometimes leads to misinterpretation, stemming from her sole focus on punishing murderers. Tisiphone tends to take things seriously and reacts strongly to disturbances, often becoming the target of teasing, particularly from Zagreus. Her relentless dedication to her task raises questions among Zagreus and Megaera about whether her intense workload has contributed to her current state of madness.


Hades Tisiphone (NPC) Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
Achilles  ♦  Alecto (NPC)  ♦  Aphrodite  ♦  Ares  ♦  Artemis  ♦  Asterius  ♦  Athena  ♦  Bouldy  ♦  Cerberus  ♦  Chaos  ♦  Charon (NPC)  ♦  Demeter  ♦  Dionysus  ♦  Dusa  ♦  Eurydice  ♦  Hades (NPC)  ♦  Head Chef  ♦  Hermes  ♦  House Contractor  ♦  Hypnos  ♦  Megaera (NPC)  ♦  Nyx  ♦  Orpheus  ♦  Patroclus  ♦  Persephone  ♦  Poseidon  ♦  Resource Director  ♦  Sisyphus  ♦  Skelly  ♦  Thanatos  ♦  Theseus  ♦  Wretched Broker  ♦  Zeus

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