Wretched Broker

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Wretched Broker is an NPC in Hades. The Wretched Broker resides within the House of Hades and offers repeatable trades for various collectible resources from Zagreus. Additionally, after each run, he also offers a limited-time offer. These deals often include the option to exchange Darkness along with other rewards.


Where to Find Wretched Broker in Hades

The Wretched Broker can be found within the House of Hades, operating as a merchant offering trades for various resources and providing limited-time deals following each escape attempt.


Wretched Broker Repeatable Trades in Hades

Repeatable trades will only allow you to convert materials in the following order: Gemstones > Chthonic Keys > Nectar > Diamonds > Ambrosia > Titan Blood. They do not allow you to reverse this sequence or make trades involving Darkness. The table below shows the list of items and their price, as well as the price with the gemstone equivalent for repeatable trades.

Item Price
Chthonic Key 10 Gemstones
Nectar 5 Chthonic Keys or 50 Gemstones
Diamond 10 Nectars or 500 Gemstones
Ambrosia 2 Diamonds or 1000 Gemstones
Titan Blood 1 Ambrosia or 1000 Gemstones



Wretched Broker Limited Time Offers in Hades

Limited Time Offers allow you to perform indirect trades at a more favorable exchange rate than repeatable trades, you can also reverse the conversion sequence of repeatable trades or trade resources using Darkness. During Limited Time Offers, certain limited trades can result in infinite Titan Blood. To acquire the necessary Titan Blood, Gemstones, or Chthonic Keys, you must repeat specific runs. You can sell your Titan Blood for 200 Gemstones and use those Gemstones to buy 20 Chthonic Keys, then trade them back for 1 Titan Blood and 5 extra Chthonic Keys. By repeating this process, you can exponentially increase your resources. The table below lists all items as well as their offered price during Limited Time Offers.

Item Price
1 Nectar 10 Gemstones
1 Titan Blood 15 Chthonic Keys
1 Ambrosia 10 Nectar
1 Diamond 100 Gemstones
20 Gemstones 2 Chthonic Keys
200 Gemstones 1 Titan Blood
1 Ambrosia 2 Titan Blood
1 Diamond 1 Titan Blood
50 Darkness 1 Nectar
500 Darkness 1 Ambrosia
3 Chthonic Keys 25 Darkness
50 Gemstones 300 Darkness


The first four rows (Nectar to Diamond) can be converted into resources following the same direction as repeatable trades (Gemstones > Chthonic Keys > Nectar > Diamonds > Ambrosia > Titan Blood). However, you can skip those steps and trade them at a better rate.

Rows 5-8 (Gemstones to Diamond) allow conversions in the opposite direction of the repeatable trades sequence (Gemstones > Chthonic Keys > Nectar > Diamonds > Ambrosia > Titan Blood). The second row, which trades 1 Titan Blood for 200 Gemstones, is less favorable than repeatable trades. Instead, using 15 Chthonic Keys for 1 Titan Blood allows you to gain more: 1 Titan Blood > 200 Gemstones > 20 Chthonic Keys > 1 Titan Blood + 5 Chthonic Keys. Alternatively, you can convert 1 Titan Blood > 200 Gemstones > 20 Nectar > 2 Ambrosia > 2 Titan Blood, but this requires 22 indirect trades and multiple runs.

Nectar, Ambrosia, and Chthonic Keys can be converted to Gemstone equivalents through Repeatable Trades. For rows 9 and 10, this effectively allows you to purchase Darkness with Gemstones (indirectly using repeatable trades). For the last two rows, it allows you to use Darkness instead of Gemstones to buy items.


Hades Wretched Broker Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



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