
thanatos npc hades wiki guide
Title Death Incarnate
Faction Chthonic Gods
Voice Actor Chris Saphire

Thanatos is an NPC in HadesThanatos is the personification of death. He commands an undeniable presence within the Underworld, his solemn demeanor and stoic resolve reflecting the weight of his duties. He is responsible for guiding the departed souls to their final resting place.


There is no escape.


Where to Find Thanatos in Hades

Thanatos can be found in the House of Hades, in the same hallway where Achilles keeps guard. He also occasionally appears at the beginning of regular encounters and invites Zagreus to a friendly competition of slaying shades. He is immune to damage and refrains from retaliation when struck. Should you surpass or match Thanatos' tally of enemy eliminations, he will reward you with a Centaur Heart in addition to the standard room-clear reward. 


About Thanatos in Hades

Thanatos is driven by a commitment to excellence and values maintaining an impeccable track record. Despite his dedication to duty, he occasionally operates in the shadows, violating his allegiance to the House of Hades by extending assistance to Zagreus in his quest for escape. As the embodiment of death, Thanatos embodies the natural and gentle end to mortal life, facilitating the peaceful transition of souls to their final destination. He perceives death as a compassionate companion entrusted with guiding souls to the culmination of their journey and treats it solely as a facet of his professional responsibilities. Thanatos is widely regarded as a relentless workaholic and a stickler for perfection in the Underworld. He is often in a sour mood, even his apologies tend to be blunt and unsparing. However, Zagreus contends that beneath his brusque demeanor, Thanatos can reveal a responsive, respectful, and occasionally friendly when he chooses.


Hades Thanatos Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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