
dionysus npc hades wiki guide
Title God of Wine
Faction Olympian Gods
Voice Actor Cyrus Nemati

Dionysus is an NPC in HadesDionysus is the Olympian god of win and madness, he is also Zagreus' cousin. He grants Zagreus Boons that center around his unique Status Curse, Hangover, which inflicts slowing and stunning effects on enemies. Additionally, his Boons, often incorporate themes of drinking.


Heeey, there, Zag, man, how's it going? Look, you have got to get here with the rest of us already, we've been saving you a spot! Let me see what I can do, make life a little sweeter for you in the meantime!


Where to Find Dionysus in Hades

Dionysus can be encountered in various chambers throughout the Underworld. He also offers Zagreus Boons to help him progress his escape attempts.


About Dionysus in Hades

Dionysus is the god of wine, revelry, and madness. He exudes a welcoming, fun-loving demeanor, often finding joy in watching Zagreus' escapades while indulging in fine wine himself, which sometimes affects his speech, giving it a slightly slurred quality. Affable and carefree, Dionysus stands out as one of the friendliest among the Olympian gods, prioritizing enjoyment above all else. He addresses Zagreus with informal terms like "guy" or "Prince Z," reflecting his relaxed attitude as he aids Zagreus in navigating his escape, imparting lessons in mischief along the way. Despite some family members viewing his participation as merely a festive distraction, Dionysus genuinely celebrates the discovery of a long-lost relative. While Dionysus may seem laid-back, his title as the "God of Mischief" suggests a mischievous streak. His emotional state can fluctuate dramatically, leading to moments of tears, anger, or forgetfulness, often fueled by excessive drinking to numb his pain. Despite his carefree and slovenly image, he resents being underestimated and undervalued, as he can wield significant influence through his ability to unite others through revelry and intoxication.


All Dionysus Boons in Hades


Hades Dionysus Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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