Hades (NPC)

hades npc hades wiki guide
Title God of the Dead, Prisoner of Time
Faction Chthonic Gods
Voice Actor Logan Cunningham

Hades (NPC) is an NPC in HadesHades is the King of the Underworld, and is responsible for upholding order within the Underworld, assigning fates and punishments of the dead, and listening to the appeals of shades that come before him. He is also the father of Zagreus, the main protagonist of the game.

  • For the boss guide and page of this NPC, please visit the Hades page.


Stupid boy. I told you nobody gets out of here, whether alive or dead. Though, how was your wanton ransacking of my domain?


Where to Find Hades (NPC) in Hades

Hades can be found in the House of Hades, the central hub of the game where players can return after each escape attempt. He can be found sitting at his desk in the main hall.


About Hades (NPC) in Hades

Hades is disciplined, dominant, and strict with his work, applying the rules of his domain with rigorous bureaucracy. To his son, Zagreus, Hades always seemed like a villain, distant, impatient, and focused on work. Despite his enigmatic figure and rough exterior, Hades is well-intentioned and fair, taking his role as the King of the Underworld seriously. 


Hades Hades (NPC) Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
Achilles  ♦  Alecto (NPC)  ♦  Aphrodite  ♦  Ares  ♦  Artemis  ♦  Asterius  ♦  Athena  ♦  Bouldy  ♦  Cerberus  ♦  Chaos  ♦  Charon (NPC)  ♦  Demeter  ♦  Dionysus  ♦  Dusa  ♦  Eurydice  ♦  Head Chef  ♦  Hermes  ♦  House Contractor  ♦  Hypnos  ♦  Megaera (NPC)  ♦  Nyx  ♦  Orpheus  ♦  Patroclus  ♦  Persephone  ♦  Poseidon  ♦  Resource Director  ♦  Sisyphus  ♦  Skelly  ♦  Thanatos  ♦  Theseus  ♦  Tisiphone (NPC)  ♦  Wretched Broker  ♦  Zeus

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