
hypnos npc hades wiki guide
Title Sleep Incarnate
Faction Chthonic Gods
Voice Actor Greg Kasavin

Hypnos is an NPC in HadesHypnos is the embodiment of sleep and is among Nyx's many children, being the younger twin brother of Thanatos. Hypnos is responsible for overseeing the arrival of newly-arrived shades before Hades, meticulously checking off their names from a list. However, he's frequently observed dozing off while on duty.


Welcome to the House of Hades, where... wait I know you, I guess that means you died out there, huh? Well don't be sad, though, pretty much everybody dies sometime!


Where to Find Hypnos in Hades

Hypnos can be found in the House of Hades, near the entrance. He will remain in the House throughout the game and will not be found outside at any point.


About Hypnos in Hades

Hypnos is often caught sleeping instead of fulfilling his duty of registering newly arrived souls at the House of Hades. He embodies sleep itself and possesses considerable power capable of putting the entire House to sleep. Despite his important role, he displays a remarkable degree of immaturity, often lounging around and avoiding his responsibilities through various means, such as doodling or dozing off. Despite his laziness, he tends to be quite talkative. Achilles suspects that Hades tolerates his behavior because he finds him amusing, considering him an unofficial court jester.


Hades Hypnos Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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