
poseidon npc hades wiki guide
Title God of the Sea
Faction Olympian Gods
Voice Actor Logan Cunningham

Poseidon is an NPC in HadesPoseidon is the Olympian god of the sea and horses, he is also known as the "Earthshaker". He also provides Zagreus with Boons that significantly boosts his damage and adds a knockback effect.


Hoy there, little Hades! You recognize your uncle, do you not? We've a lot of catching up to do, but first things first, you get yourself out of that dour Underworld! As for me, I'll see if I can stir things up a bit to cover your advance!


Where to Find Poseidon in Hades

Poseidon can be encountered during a run where his boon icon appears. They randomly appear in chambers throughout the Underworld.


About Poseidon in Hades

Poseidon has a relaxed and approachable demeanor, often referring to himself as "Earthshaker". He takes on the role of a cool uncle to Zagreus and was one of the first to offer his support upon learning of his existence. Despite his welcoming and easygoing nature, Poseidon has the power to summon tsunamis, and his friendly and down-to-earth attitude sometimes makes Zagreus wish his father were as easygoing as him. However, in challenging situations, Poseidon can exhibit the worst traits of both Zeus and Hades.


All Poseidon Boons in Hades


Hades Poseidon Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades
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